Valor Fitness Affiliate Program

Man carrying yoke rack


Here's how it works

  • Visitor clicks on a direct link that is assigned to you, our affiliate. Our website recognizes your link as the referrer URL.
  • The visitor's IP address is logged, and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.
  • The visitor browses our site and if the visitor orders (during the initial session, or during a later visit within 30 days), the order will be registered as a sale for you.
  • A 5% discount code will be given for a discounted percentage to the customer.
  • We will review and approve the sale.
  • Once a month, you will receive commission payouts via bank transfer or check.


    Requirements to Join

  • Valor Fitness is only accepting new affiliates within the United States.
  • Affiliates must have a fitness-oriented blog, vlog, website, or social media platform to be accepted into the Affiliate Program.
  • Sites and social pages with high quality, informative fitness content are preferred. Pages will be reviewed and vetted for engagement rate, as well as quality of audience traffic and following.
  • Please give us 5-7 business days to review your application.

    Ready to Get Started?

    Click the link below to fill out an application